It’s already been over a week since I fell off my bike resulting in a fractured elbow and some very large bruises on my leg which seem to have met in the middle of my calf running from my knee all the way down to my foot!
I was actually thinking of creating a new colour for the Dulux paint chart called Bruised Purple. I don’t think it would be that out of place next to Deep Plum, Magic Magenta, Vibrant Violet, Awesome Aubergine – see where I’m going with this?!
I’m gradually getting more mobility in my arm and shoulder and the pain is considerably less than it was. I still can’t get my right hand close enough to my face to put my contact lens in but I can now put on mascara with my left hand – big achievement!
All being well I should be out of my sling towards the end of next week and starting on my next set of rehab exercises.
Thank you so much for all the lovely messages I’ve received, it’s really lifted my spirits, especially when the pain and discomfort has had me in tears. I will be taking note of my own words – ‘Always an Option’ and ‘Challenge without Compromise’ and as my arm heals I will of course bring you more variation on exercises and some new challenges.
Tonight we have our second quiz night and I’ll send out the Zoom link later today. There’s still time to send me your two questions if you haven’t done so already. Send them to by 1pm today.
Sending lots of happy thoughts to you