New Classes!!
I’ve been really busy during lockdown creating a Membership site so that I can bring you some amazing content to help you stay fit and healthy during this continued time of unrest.
The Sam H Pilates FUSION is a blend of workout and meditation.
It’s been designed to help you get focused on your health regime and stick to a routine and start creating healthy habits for the next three months and beyond.
Some people have told me that during lockdown they’ve found it difficult to maintain their health and wellness, to find time for themselves because of the constraints of family members being at home who wouldn’t usually be there, the lack of freedom to go out and about and a general feeling of isolation.
It’s been hard.
Some people are starting to suffer with their mental health, some have put on weight and stress levels for some have gone through the roof.
My new online program FUSION gives you a safe space to get clarity and control over your life again.
It’s an awesome community where we come together, support each other, work out in our own time and get a handle on our mental health.
It includes two weekly video workouts, music suggestions and a monthly meditation that meets us where we’re at.
If you would like to be part of this new community as we get used to this brand new world pop the 1st July in your diary as I’ll be sending out the link that day. The cost is £40 per month.
Let me know if you’d like more info………..
Our next Pilates Quiz Night is on Friday 3rd July @ 8pm. Please send two (or more) questions to