Pilates has so many benefits for the mind, body and soul and it doesn’t seem fair that the whole world isn’t taking advantage of such a great way to stay fit and healthy.
One of my missions for 2020 (among many) is to get more people involved with Pilates and help them to include it as part of their everyday routine. I’m currently working on my social media presence and increasing awareness that I’m here!
I can talk about the benefits of Pilates and how wonderful it is until the cow’s come home, but what people would like to hear is real stories and experience and this is where I’d like to ask you a favour if I may?
Would you mind leaving a review on my Sam H Pilates Facebook page?
If you’re not a ‘Facebooker’ and would still like to leave a review you can send it directly to me via What’s App or to samhpilates@googlemail.com.
A big thanks in advance for your help.
There has been a lot of interest in my 28 Day Habit Changer and the most asked question is ‘When does it start?’
That is entirely up to you and when you feel ready to start. There is no set start date, you can sign up at any time.
I will leave the link to the 28 Day Habit Changer on the newsletter so all you need to do is click the link, follow the instructions and away you go. You will also be automatically added to the What’s App support group unless you would prefer not to be (just let me know).
Have a lovely weekend
