So much has happened in just a week. Changes to society that will affect so many people in so many different ways.
This said, there is one thing that we all have in common – everybody is in the same boat and it’s the fear of the unknown which is so very unsettling.
What we can do is be there for each other. We were given two hands – one to help ourselves and one to help others.
We need to try and look for the silver lining. In every situation, there is one, it’s just sometimes you have to look a lot harder!
For example, schools have now closed and we’ve been given the task of home tutoring our children. Firstly, don’t panic! Breathe and take a moment.
teandbiscuits_x on Instagram has done a great video about just this. Children will need reassuring during this time, they will also have fears and worries. Take time to comfort them and do the things you can’t normally do because of school and work. Go for a walk, play board games, teach them life skills that aren’t taught in schools – cooking food, digging the garden, helping around the house – children love to get involved.
Learning doesn’t just have to be in an academic way. Learn about life. It’s valuable to learn about history and how we are where we are now, but what’s most useful today, here, in this moment? What will help your children the most?
Academically, if your children can read well and know their times tables they will have the basic fundamental skills to take them far.
I’m so disappointed that classes have had to be postponed and yes I’ve had tears because of it. Obviously being self-employed it’s going to have a massive impact on income for me, but it’s not just that.
I love what I do and I’m so lucky to be doing a job I enjoy that it never feels like work. I’m going to miss our little community. We don’t just turn up to class, do our workout and go home. We share stories, laughs, giggles and the challenges of getting fitter, stronger and waiting for 20 past the hour for our magical sleepy time.
I’m hoping that classes will resume after the Easter break, but only time will tell. Until then I will be offering online workouts and sharing lots more tips and ideas on how to keep your body moving. To help me deliver the most helpful workouts, please let me know what you would like me to work on/cover.
Topics I have in mind are; core work, flexibility, upper and lower body strengthening, mindfulness, relaxation and nutrition/healthy eating.
I am (until further notice) able to offer 1-2-1 Pilates (for anyone) and details of individual 30 minute Pilates sessions for class attendees have been sent to you via our What’s App groups.
Keep using our What’s App groups to stay in touch and keep our spirits lifted, share our stories and useful tips that will help us through this.
Stay safe and keep well
