Are you ready for a summer of love?
You’re telling me that you love the vibe of the online classes. They’re keeping you fit and healthy and stopping you going too loopy in lockdown.
Things are hotting up, not only with the heatwave but with our summer timetable too.
Over the next few weeks we’re mixing things up with Pure Core, Strength, Flexibility and all over Pilates classes. And we’ll be doing all this to our summer themed Spotify playlists, which will be heading to you soon.
We’re upping the anti with four classes a week with regular time slots. Which will include one morning, one lunchtime, one early evening and one later evening.
We’re also increasing our brain power with our fortnightly quiz nights.
June’s timetable of classes has been sent to you directly and I have included a copy as an attachment to the newsletter today.
Payment of £30 is to be made via BACS on or before June 1st using the same bank details as before. Alternatively you can message me for full details.