The menopause affects women in totally different ways. The most common symptoms of the menopause include hot flushes, sweating, anxiety, insomnia, impairment of memory and fatigue.
Research has shown that paying particular attention to the foods you eat can make a dramatic difference to how the menopause behaves and makes you feel.
Hot Flushes
Avoid stimulants such as coffee, alcohol, chocolates and spicy foods, especially at night are notorious for setting off hot flushes.
A sharp rise in blood sugar levels when snacking on sugary foods are usually followed by a sharp dip in blood sugar which will leave you feeling tired and drained.
Eat fresh fruit with nuts to help balance blood sugar and combat tiredness.
Weight Gain
The menopause is not entirely responsible for weight gain. As we get older we need fewer calories. We can either consume a little less food or increase our activity levels.
Eat little and often so that energy levels are maintained and the temptation to reach for the sugary snacks is avoided.
Dry Skin
The change in hormone levels can cause dry skin.
To boost your natural oils, vitamin E, zinc and calcium by including legumes, nuts and seeds such as pumpkin, sunflower and almonds in your diet.
Bone Health
To maintain healthy bones, increase your intake of calcium, magnesium and vitamins D and K.
Avoid high amounts of phosphorous found in red meats, processed foods and fizzy drinks as this will accelerate the loss of minerals such as calcium and magnesium from the bones.
Choose more alkaline foods such as vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts and yoghurt which help calcium reserves being leached from bones.