Exercise isn’t complicated (and nor should it be)

Exercise doesn’t need to be complicated. In fact, it’s one of the most natural things we can do for our bodies, yet we often overthink it.

Whether you’re new to working out or have been active for years, focusing on just a few key elements can make all the difference. 

By honing in on Function, Feel, Focus, and Fun, you can approach exercise in a way that not only enhances your physical health but boosts your overall quality of life.

Function –  why are we doing this?

Understanding the purpose of your workout is essential. Each exercise you perform serves a specific function—whether it’s improving strength, enhancing mobility, or boosting cardiovascular health. 

Knowing why you’re doing something increases motivation and makes your workout more intentional.

Benefits of focusing on Function:

Improves movement quality

When you choose exercises that serve a purpose, you’re less likely to waste time and more likely to see improvements in how your body moves daily.

Prevents injury

Functional exercises, like squats, lunges, and push-ups, mimic real-life movements, helping you build strength in ways that protect you from injury.

Supports long-term health

Activities that promote functional fitness (lifting, walking, or playing with your children) enhance longevity and maintain independence as you age.

In practice….

The next time you do a squat, remember that you’re not just building leg muscles – you’re improving your ability to stand up from a chair, pick up items from the floor, and carry out daily tasks with ease.

Feel -is the exercise right for you?

Exercise should feel good – or at least feel right for your body. 

While it’s normal for workouts to challenge you, pain or discomfort shouldn’t be part of the equation. 

Understanding your body’s limits and choosing movements that complement your physical capabilities ensures a sustainable, long-term fitness routine.

How to gauge the Feel

Listen to your body

If an exercise causes pain, it may not be the best choice for you. There’s a big difference between feeling the burn and feeling a strain.

Modify when necessary

Don’t hesitate to adjust exercises. For example, if running is hard on your knees, try walking or cycling. Modify your routine to suit your body’s needs.

Progress at your own pace

You don’t need to keep up with others. Whether you’re lifting weights or practising Pilates, it’s essential to respect where you’re at and grow from there.

In practice…..

If lunges cause knee discomfort, switch to reverse lunges or step-ups, which place less stress on the knees but still strengthen the legs and core. The goal is to find movements that work with your body, not against it.

Focus – exercising with intention

When you bring focus into your workouts, you maximise the benefits of each movement. 

Exercising with intention means paying attention to your form, breath, and the muscles you’re targeting, rather than rushing through your reps or mindlessly going through the motions.

Why Focus matters

Enhances results

When you slow down and focus on your form, you activate the right muscles, which leads to better strength and stability gains.

Prevents injury

Mindful movement reduces the risk of improper form and injury.

Boosts mental clarity

Focused exercise can feel meditative. When you’re fully present, exercise becomes a mental refresh, leaving you more clear-headed and energised.

In practice…..

During a plank, for instance, concentrate on keeping your core braced, breathing deeply, and maintaining a straight line from head to heels. This not only strengthens your body but also sharpens your mind.

Fun – enjoying the journey

If you dread your workouts, you’re unlikely to stick with them. The key to making exercise a lifelong habit is to find joy in movement. 

Fun doesn’t necessarily mean it’s always easy – it means finding activities that you want to do because they make you feel good.

The importance of Fun

Increases consistency

If you enjoy your workouts, you’re far more likely to show up regularly.

Reduces stress

Exercise can be an incredible stress reliever, especially when it’s something you genuinely look forward to.

Boosts overall well-being

When you associate fitness with fun, it becomes more than just a task to check off your lis – it becomes a source of happiness and fulfilment.

In practice…..

Love dancing? 

Try a Zumba class or turn on your favourite music and move around your living room. 

Enjoy being outdoors? 

Hiking, cycling, or swimming might be your go-to. The options are endless, so experiment until you find what lights you up.

Sam ‘focusing on bringing fun to your next class’ Hobbs