Exciting news! Coming in the New Year a brand new Phygital Program. What’s that I hear you say? It’s where we combine the physical world with the digital world. Fusion Elements is a mix n match program that allows you to create a very bespoke workout just for you depending on where you’re at in […]
Category Archives: Weekly Update
So good to be back in the studio It was great to be back in the studio last week and see some of our wonderful Pilates family. If you’d like to join me in the studio before Christmas, I have limited availability for both classes and 121’s. Let me know via Whats App ASAP if […]
Quality over quantity every time Pilates challenges us to examine how well our bodies are really functioning. Even the most healthy person may have a niggle or two that causes pain and is an indication of stresses and strains on the body. For others, the effects of ignoring the needs of our bodies is all too […]
There are risk factors that can increase the chances of developing back pain: Being overweight – the extra weight puts pressure on the spine and will alter the way you move resulting in an altered posture. Pregnancy – as baby grows the mum’s body will adapt the way in which it moves placing extra pressure […]
Can you believe we’re HERE again. We held our last studio class on Wednesday last week and on Thursday we were all back online working out. Lockdown Two feels very different to Lockdown One and you’ve already learnt a lot first time around about what’s good for you and what isn’t. Remember all those promises […]
Saturday’s announcement didn’t bring the news we were all hoping for, but we can’t change it, we need to work with it and think about our options. No matter what situation you find yourself in, take a breath, close your eyes and think about how you can make it work for you. As Albert Einstein said, […]
And just like that we’ve reached the end of half term and the end of October. Where this week or this month has vanished to I’m not sure. Myself and my little ones have had fun including trampolining, monster making and pumpkin carving (and the not so fun homework!) and if the weather holds a […]
I’ve been amazed at the response for both Studio Unlimited and 121 Pilates coaching over the last week. It’s been fantastic. There are just five places remaining on Studio Unlimited for November out of the 24 that were available. If you’d like to join me in the studio for November where you can have as […]
One of the best things to come out of lock-down over the last six months is our Zoom community. We workout together, have a little chat and we’ve even had some social nights with quizzes. Dozens of you have joined me on the mat in your living rooms, bedrooms, spare rooms, even holiday cottages! We’ve […]
This year has been a very difficult season for many of us. As we head into the final weeks of 2020 I want us to concentrate on mental health as well as physical. With that in mind I am launching two brand new programs. 1: Winter Meditation Part One – switching off to the world […]