A study done recently shows the impact that fat has on insulin levels. In one group subjects had to fast for 84 hours (other than just a saline drip). During this time insulin levels dropped and fat breakdown increased evidenced by the amount of fatty acids in the blood stream. Another group were given an […]
Category Archives: Weekly Update
We are so obsessed with low fat everything in this country that we are creating a massive imbalance in the system. Essential fats have huge benefits and eating them in a balanced fashion can promote optimal health and support hormones. Research suggests eating essential fats can help in the prevention of cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, […]
Each morning when you wake up set yourself a little goal for the day. So this could be, ‘I am not going to drink any coffee today’; or at the weekend ‘I am resisting a glass of wine until 8pm’; or ‘I will have a dessert but only eat half of it’. A small daily […]
The most simple things can bring the most happiness Let family and friends know how much they mean to you Find ways to make exercise fun and sociable Do random/extra acts of kindness to help others Get outside and enjoy the natural world Spend more time getting to know your neighbours Take time out each […]
There are risk factors that can increase the chances of developing back pain Being overweight – the extra weight puts pressure on the spine and will alter the way you move resulting in an altered posture Pregnancy – as baby grows the mum’s body will adapt the way in which it moves placing extra pressure […]
Genetics will play a large part in how the body responds and performs in exercise. This is largley down to the fact of training for your body type and using it to your advantage. For example, the majority of sprinters are black African/American as they are genetically predisposed to having the fast twitch muscle fibres […]
I’m confused as to which season we are in? Easter Sunday was a glorious day, but by Monday (and Wednesday) we had snow!? I knew I shouldn’t have worn my flip flops the week before…….Just seven sleeps before I’m back in the studio to see clients face to face for 121 Pilates – I can’t […]
Live today, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may not come If you want to be understood – explain If you are guilty, immediately admit it and don’t look for excuses for yourself Remember that everyone has their own truth and often it doesn’t coincide with yours Do not mess with fools Try to find […]
Yesterday was a birthday. The first birthday of our Zoom Room. A complete 12 months of Pilates online, live from my living room to yours. Initially the Zoom Room was created to stay in touch and keep moving whilst we made our way through the first lockdown, hoping that it’d be only for a few […]
A few weeks ago I announced the planned return to our cosy little studio – 121 Pilates from 12th April and classes from 17th May – the response and delight was overwhelming! 121 Pilates There are now just four appointments available for April – Friday 23rd at 1130 and 1200 and Friday 30th April at 1130 […]