I’ve done something stupid, or is it brilliant? The truth is – it’s probably somewhere in the middle. Okay, so before I confess, you have to promise me that you’re going to do it with me, OR at least support me in my quest. Sooooooo, I signed up for a Press Up Challenge – 100 […]
Category Archives: Weekly Update
I hope you had a lovely long Easter weekend (and the nice four day week that followed) whether it was spending time with family and loved ones or just chilling and taking time out before the return to school, work and ‘normality’ on Monday. This weather has been very kind to us and apart from […]
In ancient times, green tea was used to treat a wide variety of ailments from depression to headaches. Belief in its medicinal value has been present for centuries and continues into the present. A belief in its antioxidant benefits has created popularity for its use in many areas of the world. Today, some of the […]
Appreciate how hard you are working to become fitter and healthier everyday in mind and body. You’re doing a fantastic job. Take a moment to realise just how special you are. Love and hugs
There is a huge amount of confusion when it comes to weight loss and healthy eating. So much conflicting information given to the public means that people simply don’t know what to do for the best. People are tired of attempting diet after diet and working hard only to end up heavier and unhealthier than […]
When asked the question ‘What do mindfulness and meditation mean to me?’ my initial response is, ‘Where do I start?’ It means different things to different people, for example when I asked a work colleague that very question, his response was, ‘That’s when you sleep, relax and dream about stuff.’ The differences between mindfulness and […]
Every metabolic process that your body goes through releases free radicals.Now these little pests are volatile molecules, that need to attach to something to stabilise themselves, and usually what they attach to is healthy tissue. This starts the inflammatory process, and as more free radicals are released, so they attach to the inflamed area and […]
A calorie is a calorie. It’s a unit of energy. So a Mars Bar may have 280 calories, and so may a handful of brazil nuts. But it is what happens inside that is key! Due to the structure and nature of the calorie (simple for a Mars, complex for nuts) it will require a […]
Summer time has arrived and with the rising temperatures comes warnings about how to stay safe in the sun especially during a workout Many will be inspired to get out of gyms and leisure centres and go outdoors to take advantage of the sunshine when working out. Our motivation to get out and do something […]
So there are three key things that need to be added to your diet to achieve optimal health. Long term sustained fat loss requires your body to be healthy right down to the cellular level. Without healthy clean cells that are clear of toxins, weight loss is never really sustainable. Today’s diets are lacking in […]