This week I came across some amazing and very simple mental health tips which I’d like to share with you today. If you feel like you hate everyone – eat If you feel like everyone hates you – sleep If you feel like you hate yourself – shower If you feel that everyone hates everyone […]
Category Archives: Weekly Update
If you’ve heard our latest playlist in class, you will have noticed that we take our final stretches to ‘Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen)’. Not only is it great at putting life into perspective in a fun way, it has an interesting story about how it came to being. It all began when Mary Schmich, […]
Holidays are time for us to a time to unwind, relax and maybe try a few new things that we haven’t done before. If you are an avid fitness peep and like your regular routine of exercise, it can be challenging to maintain, or you might be like me and prefer to do absolutely nothing! […]
In the realm of self-care rituals, there’s a hidden gem that often gets overlooked. Want to know what it is? Facial massage Are you now picturing a luxury spa treatment? Well, guess what? It isn’t just for a spa day The benefits of facial massage for both your skin and over all well being shouldn’t […]
21st November 2023 approx. 8.45am It’s now 15 weeks since I decided to throw myself down the stairs and brake my wrist. All joking aside, I still have a blank on exactly how I fell, nor can say I was doing anything adventurous like skydiving, high rope acrobatics or even sliding down the banister. […]
Let’s talk about something we all wish we had more of: time. Who wouldn’t want an extra hour or two in the day? Although we can’t magically create more hours, there are definitely ways to make the most of the time we do have. Here’s a few ideas that you could implement to help you […]
When it comes to creating a workout routine that gives you results, being consistent in actually doing your workout is the number one key to success. But what happens when I’ve been consistent and I’m not continuing to see or feel results? Easy The FITT Principles Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type This is a […]
You’ve all heard me say ‘There’s always an option’ and if you haven’t – where have you been?! When you really want to do something you make one of two choices. You find a way or You make an excuse Pilates is no different. If you can breathe……. …….you can do Pilates This applies if […]
Have you ever taken the time to step back and look around at your own personal environment and have a realisation of everything you have and to be grateful for it? In a world that often feels like a whirlwind of chaos and constant hustle, there’s something very serene about hitting the pause button and […]
The new trend for 2024 is to ditch the traditional New Year Resolution (which may be a relief for some) and instead it’s all about setting intentions. What’s that all about? Let’s find out…… Resolutions V Intentions Resolutions are rather like your instructor saying ‘Four more’ when you’ve already done what feels like 100 – […]