I’m really enjoying our quiz nights, they’re loads of fun and we always have a good giggle – especially when I make a boo boo with the questions!! Our next one is planned for Friday 19th June at 8pm. Please could you send me your two questions to samhpilates@googlemail.com and I’ll get working on putting it […]
Category Archives: Weekly Update
It’s already been over a week since I fell off my bike resulting in a fractured elbow and some very large bruises on my leg which seem to have met in the middle of my calf running from my knee all the way down to my foot! I was actually thinking of creating a new […]
Oooops! Today’s newsletter comes to you today via left hand typing, so please excuse any typo’s! Why am I using ‘my option?’ I had a bit of a woopsy while out on my bike on Wednesday and fell off resulting in a fractured right elbow and some amazing bruises. I was waiting at traffic lights to […]
Set Your Goals Goals are ultimately ‘dreams without a deadline.’ Get clear on exactly what it is you’d like to achieve. The goal should be realistic to you, but be enough of a stretch to feel exciting and make you a little nervous. For the next 30 days here’s a little exercise for you to […]
Life is very simple. What we give out, we get back. What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us. I believe that everyone, myself included, is responsible for everything in our lives, the best and the worst. Every thought we think is creating our future. Each one of us creates our experiences by […]
We have all heard the saying ‘Did you get out of the wrong side of bed this morning?’ when someone is a little grumpy ot ‘It’s going to be one of those days’ if you spill coffee on your shirt or miss the bus before you even start work in the morning. It is true […]
Building the new How often have you lamented about what you didn’t want? Did it ever bring you what you really wanted? Fighting the negative is a total waste of time if you really want to make changes in your life. The more you dwell on what you don’t want, the more of it you create. […]
May is on the way and we continue in lockdown but that in itself doesn’t have to be a negative thing, in fact it can be full of new opportunity, strengthening our resistance and building our immunity and staying fit and healthy during this important time. British Heart Foundation First of all, can I say […]
I hope you are keeping well and are adjusting to the new routine’s and lifestyle we are currently in. Day-to-Day Life There are going to be days when you feel good and other day’s when you’re not. They’ll also be days when all you want to do is shout with frustration. All these are normal […]
I’m really pleased that our live Zoom classes are going from strength to strength. It’s great to be able to see you all, albiet from a distance! Every year we have a Pilates Easter Parade and don our Easter bonnets or bunny ears and this year is going to be no different. Well maybe slightly – […]