Standing combination focusing on mobility, balance and strength
Author Archives: Sam Hobbs
We’ve made it!! From Wednesday 2nd September I’m able to provide the option for you to attend classes in our studio. Initially, these will just be on a Wednesday and Thursday evening. Spaces are limited to 8 per class at £10 each and are subject to new guidelines for us to follow. Have no fear though as […]
A standing yoga based workout including Tai Chi
Appreciate how hard you are working to become fitter and healthier everyday in mind and body. You’re doing a fantastic job. Take a moment to realise just how special you are. Love and hugs
This week I invited 121 Pilates back to the studio. It was very different from what we are used to, but it was great to be able to have the interaction with clients (albiet it at a distance) again. Yesterday I introduced the Fairy Ring (Pilates Magic Circle) to our Pure Core Zoom class. Core blimey – […]
A standing yoga based workout including Tai Chi.
I’ve been so busy planning Summer Sizzler 2020 and working around how different it’s going to be from previous years I didn’t see it creeping up on me so fast! The sudden realisation that it’s August tomorrow and that our Summer Sizzler program starts next week!!! I can’t wait to start seeing people back in the […]
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Last week sent a message to our WhatsApp groups asking who would like to join me for some face to face classes in the studio from September. I had a brilliant and very mixed response and I’d like to thank you for your feedback. My plan from September is to offer some studio classes. However, these will be […]
Mat based workout focusing on strengthening and shaping the waist. I’ve also included upper body mobility