Maintain range of motion exercises but avoid directly stretching the muscle. Resume exercising when the pain has lessened or completely gone
Author Archives: Sam Hobbs
Build up the support of the quads and maintain a general level of fitness with walking or cycling
How many times do you see a photo in a magazine or online of a beautiful woman (or man) who has the perfect skin, no wrinkles or bags under her eyes, not a stretch mark in sight, not a vein out of place and a body that doesn’t even know what cellulite is? Do you […]
I’m really pleased to announce that I’m now able to plan our return to the studio. 121 Pilates can start back from week beginning 12th April and classes can resume from week beginning 17th May. The class timetable will be different from what we’re used to, but change is good and it will be change for […]
Basic exercises to mobilise and strengthen the back from top to bottom
Basic core engagement and how to find and activate your pelvic floor muscles
In this element we look at how to increase hip and quad flexibility
A few words from the Dalai Lama all about good karma Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk When you lose, don’t lose the lesson Follow the three R’s, respect for self, respect for others and responsibility for your actions Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of […]
Tight hamstrings restrict movement in the legs and the general flow within the body, which can result in injury and back pain. Here’s how to lengthen your hamstrings and feel taller
Filters should be fun, not s warped perception of reality