Shoulders – how to mobilise, strengthen and lengthen your shoulder muscles including the use of a resistance band.
Author Archives: Sam Hobbs
Each morning when you wake up set yourself a little goal for the day. So this could be, ‘I am not going to drink any coffee today’; or at the weekend ‘I am resisting a glass of wine until 8pm’; or ‘I will have a dessert but only eat half of it’. A small daily […]
The most simple things can bring the most happiness Let family and friends know how much they mean to you Find ways to make exercise fun and sociable Do random/extra acts of kindness to help others Get outside and enjoy the natural world Spend more time getting to know your neighbours Take time out each […]
Caused by weakness in abs, glutes and hamstrings. In this workout we look at how to strengthen key muscle groups to reduce lower back pain.
A mat based core workout with the magic circle
There are risk factors that can increase the chances of developing back pain Being overweight – the extra weight puts pressure on the spine and will alter the way you move resulting in an altered posture Pregnancy – as baby grows the mum’s body will adapt the way in which it moves placing extra pressure […]
What a groin injury is and how to overcome them
An all over workout with the foam roller
Genetics will play a large part in how the body responds and performs in exercise. This is largley down to the fact of training for your body type and using it to your advantage. For example, the majority of sprinters are black African/American as they are genetically predisposed to having the fast twitch muscle fibres […]
Standing workout with bands for upper and lower body