To gain the most benefit from your Pilates practice, December’s meditation is to be done at the start of your workout and here’s why.
Setting an intention for a Pilates class is to bring your attention to a quality you would like to cultivate more of. These intentions can sometimes be qualities that you can extend off the mat and use in your daily life. This promotes the concept that Pilates benefits are not just confined to the mat and that it’s an holistic practice that permeates all areas of our life.
Choosing an intention can be quite daunting and it’s normal for you to struggle to find the clearest, deepest reason for being in class.
In December’s meditation we create a link with our subconscious mind via the third eye to call our intuition to guide us in choosing our intention.
The meditation has been left void of any suggestions about what your intention maybe, so as not to influence your choice in anyway.
This promotes the space for the most honest and personal intention to rise.